Skywalker Speaks

Writing about my passions. Analysis of latest technology and business news.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


The world has become a dangerous place to live in. In the last one year itself, more disasters have struck compared to the last few years. The biggest ever recorded earthquake in Sumatra resulted in the deadliest of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, Hurricane Katrina left a trail of destruction and displaced thousands from Louisiana and now the earthquake in Kashmir has claimed thousands of lives. Not only it the natural disasters causing the jitters, people are concerned that diseases may wipe out the human civilization: first it was the mad-cow scare, then bird flu threatened to turn into pandemic, and dengue fever is the latest to add to the nightmare. My point now is, if you are worried about dying, then you should die. There’s no point in being worried about death, live life to the fullest and achieve your ambitions. After all, the world is a small place and we are here only for a short period of time.


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